Was last night’s Louie all a dream?

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TV Club reviewer Brandon Nowalk was quite taken with last night’s episode of Louie, “Untitled,” and you should definitely check out what he had to say. But today’s DVR Club correspondents, Josh Modell and John Teti, were less enamored with the most surreal installment of Louie so far this season. As Josh notes, the show has earned the right to experiment—in other words, Louis C.K. ought to do whatever the hell he wants. But that’s the problem that our editors have with “Untitled.” It feels like C.K. does whatever he wants, and not everything comes together. Then again, that’s how dreams behave, too—they’re not particularly coherent, and it’s possible to read “Untitled” as one long dream from start to finish. Watch the video to see what Josh and John had to say about that theory.

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