Watch 100 people learn that eating a spoonful of cinnamon sucks

Watch 100 people learn that eating a spoonful of cinnamon sucks

Shortly after attempting to drink a gallon of milk but shortly before beginning to experiment with psychedelic drugs, most teenagers attempt the ol’ spoonful of cinnamon challenge. It goes like this: You get your idiot friend Todd to eat a spoonful of cinnamon and then laugh as it thickens into a mouthful of cement, which he then paws out of his mouth after a few minutes, coughing out all the remaining cinnamon and shaking his head and drinking water. It sucks! That’s the whole point. Also, Todd is a dumbass.

Here are 100 people finding out that it sucks.

Everyone pukes!

Per a CBS News report from a few years ago, the cinnamon blocks the glands that create saliva, thus stopping your ability to lubricate your throat to swallow. The obvious corollary is that you could choke on this stuff, which is why buzzkill doctors have recommended that you do not, in fact, attempt to take the cinnamon challenge, presumably with the caveat that it is okay if it would be really, really funny to watch someone cough a bunch of cinnamon up.

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