Watch a hacked Nintendo Power Glove play a modular synth because we live in the future now

Watch a hacked Nintendo Power Glove play a modular synth because we live in the future now

Retrowave—the musical and and lifestyle aesthetic based on outdated future-tech pop culture of the 1980s—isn’t so much a niche subgenre these days as our daily reality. Fashionable pandemic face masks, a toxified planet, weird-ass electric pickup trucks—the sooner we accept that we’re living in the prequel to Akira and/or Blade Runner, the sooner we can get this show on the road towards our inevitable Fury Road-esque finale.

Case in point: Sam Battle, the energetic Brit responsible for the online gem, Look Mum No Computer, is back at it again with his adorable, horrifying cannibalization of consumer electronics. This time, he’s reprogrammed an ill-fated Nintendo Power Glove to control a modular synth, creating the cheesy-future reality soundtrack we didn’t know we needed (or deserved) right now.

If that weren’t enough, Battle also goes one (or a few) steps further by then wiring up a creepy-ass robotic hand to remotely play his new Power Glove synth, because what good is a dystopian future without potentially killer androids lurking just around the corner? Thanks a lot, Sam.

[via Mashable]

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