Watch a pair of friendly bros brave numerous bad vibes in attempt to hand out free masks

Watch a pair of friendly bros brave numerous bad vibes in attempt to hand out free masks
Screenshot: Chad Goes Deep

When we last covered Chad Kroger (not that one) and J.T. Parr, the fun-loving bros responsible for Chad Goes Deep, they were at Los Angeles City Council advocating for the importance of crushing beers at house parties. Now, with the coronavirus pandemic presenting a situation almost as dire, the two have returned to safeguard their community by walking around trying to hand out free masks to people.

Chad and J.T. almost immediately face a potentially day-ruining influx of bad vibes as soon as they start talking to strangers. The first people they approach are a middle-aged couple who tell them masks are deadly and potentially cause those who wear them to burn in hell for eternity. “Nice!” J.T. says before moving on to another guy who asks, “You kids smokin’ weed?” Other people flat out ignore them, mention bullshit conspiracy theories, or, in two cases, get in their faces with unprovoked hostility.

Despite all of this, they carry on their mission, making friends with a tanned biker whose “even base” they really admire and a nudist who talks “dropping dong” with them for a while. In their most clear-cut victory, they find two teenagers who accept their free masks, swearing “on Tyler The Creator” that they’ll wear them.

Weaker, far less chill bros would have been defeated by the anger and stupidity of the people who mock or try to get into fights with them, but Chad and J.T. are made of stronger stuff. Minds and bodies tempered by years of bad keg beer and ditch-weed bong rips, they’re able to face down the people willfully helping the pandemic continue and meet them with patience, calm, and kindness. If Bill Nye, Tom Hanks, and basic common sense can’t convince everyone to wear a mask, maybe our last hope is the unending optimism of two cheerful bros.

[via Digg]

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