Watch animated 1-minute recaps for every season of The Walking Dead

Consider it’s a show with a ton of characters and legions of followers, it should be difficult to synopsize entire seasons of The Walking Dead. And yet, when taken in broad strokes and filtering out the elements that don’t move the narrative forward, it apparently can be done in about a minute.

Over on this site, enterprising souls have taken it upon themselves to recap each season of the insanely popular AMC show. They’ve done so using crude animation and also with the time constraint of spending only one minute per season. With that limited running-time, not every part of the show makes it into the recap, but the clip does a good job of painting a suitable picture while leaving enough unanswered for those interesting in watching it themselves. So if you’re looking to dive into the newest season of The Walking Dead and have four and a half minutes to kill, you too can be all caught up with the latest shenanigans in which these post-apocalyptic survivors find themselves.

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