Watch Beck and a 160-piece ensemble perform an absolutely crazy cover of Bowie's "Sound And Vision"

Watch Beck and a 160-piece ensemble perform an absolutely crazy cover of Bowie's "Sound And Vision"

Beck’s been doing covers for a while now under the guise of his Record Club project, but none have been as comprehensive as this new take on David Bowie’s “Sound And Vision” Lincoln—the car company, not the president—paid him to do. In the video below, which was shot by video director Chris Milk, a 160-piece ensemble—including a choir and an orchestra—accompanies Beck as he plays around with sound and light, creating what Lincoln wanted, a “fully immersive” experience. That might sound like buzzy sales talk, but seriously, watch the video. It’s crazy. The four minutes leading up to the actual Bowie cover are especially intense on a good pair of headphones.

There’s more to come, too. The clip was actually shot on 360-degree cameras and using 360-degree microphones, and a widget should be added to the Lincoln site in the near future to let users play around with directionality of both sound and vision—just like Bowie intended, or something.

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