Watch Cardi B discuss coronavirus, college tuition, and police brutality with Joe Biden

Watch Cardi B discuss coronavirus, college tuition, and police brutality with Joe Biden
Photo: Dia Dipasupil

Cardi B was a vocal supporter of Bernie Sanders, galvanized by the Vermont senator’s fight to secure Medicare For All and free college tuition. She’s unlikely to get the former under a Biden presidency, but she’s still fighting the good fight. In a new Elle interview with the presumptive Democratic nominee, Cardi emphasized her desire for free Medicare while also discussing police brutality and the importance of accessible education for low-income families. (Biden, thank god, didn’t reference “WAP” in any way, shape, or form. He did, however, reveal that his daughter used to call him “Joey B.”)

“I have a whole list of things that I want and I wish and I desire for our next president to root for us,” Cardi told Biden. “But first, I just want Trump out… I don’t want to be lied to. We’re living in a pandemic right now and I just want answers. I want to know when this is over, I want to go back to my job, I want to be able to go outside, I want to not feel like I’m trapped in my home. But I don’t want somebody to lie to me and tell me that it’s OK to go outside, it’s OK not to wear a mask. I want a president to tell us the steps for us to get better.”

The conversation isn’t as substantive as her chats with Sanders, but the pop star should be commended for both encouraging her fans to engage with the current issues and confronting Biden with just how popular Medicare For All is. Biden, meanwhile, told Cardi she gave him “such incredible hope.” He also took plenty of shots at our current president, declaring that Trump’s presidency is “all about the game of making people hate each other.”

“He’s literally promoting hatred, promoting prejudice, promoting racism,” he said.

Watch it below, and marvel at how Zoom calls are as awkward and halting amongst the world’s most famous people as they are for us normies.

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