Watch Coldplay’s Game Of Thrones musical in its entirety

Watch Coldplay’s Game Of Thrones musical in its entirety

NBC’s Red Nose Day fundraising special has come and gone, but those interested can still donate to help the cause. One vignette made for the event found the members of Coldplay working to put on a musical based on HBO’s Game Of Thrones. Peter Dinklage’s song has already been released, but now viewers can see the entire thing in context in this 12-minute video. There are numerous references to the mega-hit show (as well as spoilers for the first four seasons, so fair warning), and the cast members who take part are all game for mocking themselves, the show, and the entire idea.

Narrated by Liam Neeson, the sketch is presented as a mockumentary look behind the scenes of Chris Martin and company trying to pull off something that probably shouldn’t be pulled off at all. Sidenote: that “Closer To Home” song about incest sounds an awful lot like a real Coldplay song reworked slightly. But it is rather catchy.

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