Watch Conan O’Brien and Steven Yeun become late-night K-pop sensations

Conan O’Brien is quickly becoming as well known for his wanderlust as the ol’ string dance: He followed up last year’s momentous trip to Cuba with remote tapings in Armenia and Qatar (where he was joined by First Lady Michelle Obama). The Conan host recently traveled to Korea, where he hung out in the DMZ with The Walking Dead’s Steven Yeun, starred in a Korean soap opera, and became a late-night K-pop sensation under the tutelage of J.Y. Park. TBS aired the episode over the weekend, and has now released a bounty of hilarious clips.

In the first video, O’Brien falls for a matchmaker played by Korean soap star Jang Na-ra, though the feeling’s hardly mutual.

Perhaps realizing that Korean TV stardom is not for him, O’Brien teams up with Yeun to cross over into the Korean pop music scene, with some help from popular K-pop performer J.Y. Park.

O’Brien and Yeun also visited the DMZ (the Korean Demilitarized Zone) where, despite being warned not to get fresh with the armed guards, O’Brien remarks on their Rhythm Nation-inspired gear and indoor sunglasses.

And because a trip to Korea wouldn’t be complete without a visit to Seoul’s gaming café PC Bang, so O’Brien settles in for a couple of extended sessions of StarCraft and Sudden Attack. But the host is ultimately more interested in taunting other players and snacking.

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