Watch Dave Foley welcome The Ramones to heaven

With the death last week of final surviving founding member Tommy Ramone, there have been a lot of comments and jokes of late about how The Ramones have reunited at last. A new Funny Or Die video by Jake Fogelnest, featuring Traci Lords and Dave Foley, takes that idea and runs with it, with the duo as angels welcoming the legendary rockers to heaven, and gently chiding them for committing “Ramones-type antics” like blowing up Heaven High School and pulling a switchblade over someone taking the last slice of pizza that aren't quite on-brand for Paradise. Especially since, as Foley points out, there is no last slice of pizza in heaven. “We have eternal pizza.”

Even if you don’t know anything about The Ramones, it’s still a delight to see Foley in “guidance counselor who thinks he’s being really hip” mode, assuring the Ramones that Heaven is very into punk—God apparently can’t wait to meet Avril Lavigne—or smilingly parroting the band’s “Gabba Gabba Hey” catchphrase. Also, it’s hard not to enjoy a version of heaven where Thomas Edison continues to pointlessly invent things—mostly the phonograph, over and over—for all eternity.

The Ramones Go to Heaven from Funny Or Die

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