Watch: First video from BAT OUT OF HELL III

The press release trumpets "the greatest epic saga in rock history opens its new chapter on October 31, 2006, as Meat Loaf releases Bat out of Hell III" and who's to argue with that? (No, seriously. Name another "epic saga in rock history," great or otherwise.) We've got the video below and, perhaps more importantly, a look at the album art.

But before moving on to that, consider this curious passage from the press release:

Seven songs on the album were written by Jim Steinman, producer of Bat Out of Hell II, and principal songwriter of the first two albums in the trilogy. His involvement follows the resolution of a lawsuit over the Bat out of Hell trademark between the longtime friends and collaborators Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman. The two came to an amicable agreement that ensured that Jim Steinman's music would be a continuing part of the Bat out of Hell legacy.


Anyway, here's the very Eyes Wide Shut video, "It's All Coming Back To Me Now," starring Meat Loaf and a ghost (actually singer Marion Raven.) Yes, it's a cover of of that "It's All Coming Back To Me Now." :



And the art:

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