Watch Seth Rogen eat sausage and drink on My Drunk Kitchen

Watch Seth Rogen eat sausage and drink on My Drunk Kitchen

Seth Rogen is currently on a publicity tour for his upcoming R-rated cartoon Sausage Party. One of his more charming stops was on My Drunk Kitchen, the YouTube series in which Hannah Hart gets drunk and tries to cook food. Rogen’s visit downplays the drinking angle and focuses instead on the food connection. He and Hart taste various sausages and try to guess what slightly unusual meat they’re made of.

Rogen isn’t particularly great at telling boar from pheasant, but the whole thing is pretty entertaining if only to see Hart’s peppy personality contrast with Rogen’s laid-back demeanor. And throughout the seven-minute video, Rogen seems generally bemused by the energetic world of YouTube he’s found himself in.

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