Watch Simon Pegg wish Harry Potter happy birthday as a drunk Ron Weasley

Watch Simon Pegg wish Harry Potter happy birthday as a drunk Ron Weasley

If Harry Potter were a real person, he would have turned 33 years old yesterday. Oh, and he'd probably also not have, like, magical powers and stuff. But he almost certainly would have an emotionally-stunted alcoholic former classmate who would drunkenly stumbled through the public-domain version of 'Happy Birthday' for him before heading off to puke in a strip club toilet somewhere.

Bringing that reality to life last night was Simon Pegg—in New York City to promote his pub crawl apocalypse film The World's End—on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon doing an impeccable inebriated 30-something Ron Weasley, marking his second cinematic impersonation in one day. Earlier yesterday, Pegg portrayed a more-gingery Rocky Balboa on Philadelphia's Art Museum steps.

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