Watch the British Who Wants To Be A Millionaire host fuck up his one job

Watch the British Who Wants To Be A Millionaire host fuck up his one job

Recently, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the original Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, the Brits decided to air a special seven-episode series of the hit game show so audiences could relive the magic of its infectiously watchable format. At least, that’s how things were supposed to go down. Instead, special guest host Jeremy Clarkson—from Top Gear and getting fired from Top Gear fame—managed to fuck up the one thing he’s supposed to do as host.

“I’m not even going to look at the screen. That’s the correct answer,” Clarkson assured the contestant who had just unconfidently proposed that an ibex is maybe some kind of deer. The in-studio music sting played and immediately the contestant’s face broke into a relaxed smile. He had just won £15,000! The only problem: An ibex is a damn goat. Clarkson was sent into a spluttering backpedal, quickly cycling through all five stages of grief, and insisting that he’d previously seen ibexes in Africa “boinging around like deers.”

We’d like to forgive Clarkson for being new to the job, but everyone and their mother knows how hosting Who Wants To Be A Millionaire is supposed to work. You read the question off the screen. The contestant hems, haws, and then answers. You double check that it’s their “final answer” and then you read the answer off of the screen. There’s a million pounds on the line! This is not the time for the host to show off their African fauna knowledge. Still, this particular contestant was lucky enough to walk away with the £1,000 consolation prize and a great story about how Jeremy Clarkson fucked him over.

[via Vulture]

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