Watch the elderly shimmy to “Turn Down For What” in this sexy montage

Watch the elderly shimmy to “Turn Down For What” in this sexy montage

DJ Snake and Lil Jon’s song “Turn Down For What” is a fun, adrenaline-fueled ditty that has already been used in an Internet mash-up with Star Trek. The loud screaming of Lil Jon along with the propulsive beats of DJ Snake make it perfect for use in future middling comedies that will juxtapose it against incredibly stolid, bland, white people. Hopefully a new montage by Tastefully Offensive will help cut down the number of those potential buzzkill moments in trailers for films like Bringing Down The House 3 or Jingle All The Way 4: Get Elf Done.

Taking a huge swath of videos of elderly people dancing with varying degrees of talent and rhythm, Tastefully Offensive created a montage of America’s greatest generation boogying down to “Turn Down For What.” It’s fun, sweet, and doesn’t feature as much pelvic devastation as the original video but provides inspiration to the youth of today that they, too, can one day embarrass their grandchildren while keeping it real and potentially breaking a hip. Added benefit of this supercut: None of the enthusiasm and energy requires the use of disgusting space eggs.

(Via Laughing Squid)

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