Watch the first episode of Showtime's The Big C right now for free

Showtime’s The Big C doesn’t officially premiere until August 16, but this is summertime, when the living is easy and cancer jokes go down like a tall glass of lemonade—who can wait until August 16 for that? Fortunately for you, the first episode is available to watch for free right now in our newly expanded Coming Distractions section. So feign illness at your desk, skip out on the rest of your workday, and head to the nearest swimming hole with your laptop to watch Laura Linney try to find the humor in having a terminal disease. Unfortunately we’re too busy to watch it ourselves right now, so let us know what you think in the comments. Is it any good? Worth checking out later? [NOTE: Yes, we're aware that we linked to this yesterday, but now you can check it out on our site instead of going somewhere else.]

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