Watch the lengths comedian Shaun Broyls will go to get a TV show

Watch the lengths comedian Shaun Broyls will go to get a TV show

We here at The A.V. Club will always be grateful to Shaun Broyls for helping hip the world to the glory and majesty of the Jamie Kennedy New Year’s Eve Experience via his website and Twitter feed. Broyls immeasurably enriched the pop-culture world by posting excerpts from the broadcast to end all New Year’s Eve broadcasts, but now he needs our help. Like so many hungry, still fairly young comedians, Broyls is still angling for that big break, so the podcaster and former Kansas City anchorman has taken to YouTube. His video on behalf of the “Get Shaun Broyls In The Door At Any Television Network” petition takes him all the way from Los Angeles to Chicago in his quest to attract the attention of television studios petulantly denying him his own television show. YouTube videos like this are not particularly rare, but this one is actually quite funny: At one point, Broyls compares his heartstrings-tugging YouTube campaign to the one from “that funny looking, really dumb dude who sang that crappy song and dated Selena Gomez.” Broyls’ campaign for fame includes a petition that is, as of this writing, 24,856 signatures away from its goal of 25,000! So do your part to end the entertainment industry’s shameful avoidance of this talented young man.

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