Watch The Lonely Island perform a new, ridiculous song

This coming weekend, The Lonely Island will perform at the San Francisco comedy festival Clusterfest in what they’re billing as their “first concert ever.” But, before that, they’ve got to do what any musician worth their salt does before a big show—they’ve got to warm up. That’s exactly what they were doing Sunday night in Pasadena when, as reported by Vulture, they treated fans to an intimate performance of their classic comedy hits like “I’m On A Boat,” “Jizz In My Pants,” and “I Just Had Sex.” The trio also debuted a new, utterly ridiculous track that seems to be specifically tailored to their upcoming concert.

It appears to be a tribute to 1980s Bay Area sports told from perspective of two of the decade’s biggest stars, former Oakland Athletics players Jose Canseco and Mark McGwire (portrayed by Andy Samberg and Akiva Schaffer, respectively). Nicknamed the Bash Brothers, Canseco and McGwire were known for hitting a ton of home runs, taking a ton of steroids, and having fairly opposing personalities. The song is peppered with jokes about the duo’s juicing habits as well as some hyper-specific East Bay references that should play well at Clusterfest (Hilltop Mall anyone?).

But no trip through Northern California sports history would be complete without a visit from four-time Super Bowl champion and Sketchers spokesman, Joe Montana.

Considering all three members of The Lonely Island grew up in the Bay Area, this weekend’s show is a bit of a homecoming. Undoubtedly, locals will be proud to see the boys haven’t forgotten their roots, and that no amount of fame or fortune can make them forget Joe Montana loves “crushing tang.”

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