Watch the video for Johnny Marr’s new single

Watch the video for Johnny Marr’s new single

Although he’s had his hands in an impressive number of pots since The Smiths broke up in 1987, Johnny Marr hasn’t actually released an album on his own—until now. With the release of The Messenger on Feb. 26, Marr will show that he, too, is capable of putting out solo records—which is undoubtedly a relief to the Smiths fans who didn’t side with Team Morrissey.

To promote the new album, Marr has released a video for the single “Upstarts,” which finds the guitarist and his band in street clothes, rocking out in an empty warehouse. It’s a strange choice of venue, considering how awful the acoustics must be in a space that cavernous, but rock ’n’ roll was never about practicality. This may also explain why Marr’s backup guitarist, with his black turtleneck and sunglasses, is dressed like the video is taking place in 1985.

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