Watch Will Ferrell escort Shaquille O’Neal out of a Lakers game in his latest extreme display of Will Ferrellosity

Watch Will Ferrell escort Shaquille O’Neal out of a Lakers game in his latest extreme display of Will Ferrellosity

Will Ferrell’s shenanigans cannot be limited to movies, talk-show appearances, Funny Or Die videos, and the like. Ferrell is like the James Franco of comedy in both his ubiquity and his willingness to use his life and career as one big, weird prank only he understands. Ferrell made headlines not too long ago by starring in a seriously strange Super Bowl ad for Old Milwaukee that only ran in small markets. The incorrigible funnyman made even more headlines when he recently donned a security guard’s red coat with a nametag reading “Ted Vagina” (which is “funny” both because that is not his name and involves female genitalia) and escorted Shaquille O’Neal out of Tuesday night’s Lakers game at the Staples Center. Oh, Will Ferrell, is there any end to your wackiness? And shouldn’t these antics be limited to periods when you have something to promote?

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