Watch Yoko Ono dance with Ira Glass and The Beastie Boys for her new music video

Watch Yoko Ono dance with Ira Glass and The Beastie Boys for her new music video

Yoko Ono’s always been a little puzzling, what with her commitment to art above all else, but her new video for “Bad Dancer” inspires head scratching for an entirely different reason. Somehow—definitely not because she used to be married to John Lennon—Ono managed to attract all sorts of New York celebrities to star in the clip, including Beastie Boys Mike D and Ad-Rock, This American Life host Ira Glass, Reggie Watts, Roberta Flack, Cibo Matto, and Roots drummer ?uestlove. All the guests get to cut a poorly trod rug with Ono, and the entire clip really turns out to be quite charming. [via Pitchfork]

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