Watch “Zack Snyder” adapt classic works of literature

Watch “Zack Snyder” adapt classic works of literature

Zack Snyder already knows what it’s like to turn an iconic graphic novel into a slightly less iconic film, but what if he were to adapt actual pieces of classic literature? Well they’d be a whole lot angrier, have a percussion-heavy score, and feature a lot more slow-motion punching. At least that’s what filmmaker Patrick Willems presupposes in this new parody video in which The Catcher In The Rye, Sense And Sensibility, and The Giving Tree all get the Snyder treatment.

Weirdly, the Catcher In The Rye section almost works, if only because Snyder’s “gritty” filmmaking style does seem like a manifestation of a 16-year-old boy’s angst. Meanwhile, the Sense And Sensibility portion offers the fantastic image of Elinor and Marianne Dashwood prepping for battle in a dramatic crossfit montage. And The Giving Tree is basically reimagined as Boy Vs. Tree: Dawn Of Giving. Unfortunately no one in any of these adaptations is named Martha. One can only imagine Snyder would have a field day with Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?

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