Wave only your finest glow sticks for this classical piano cover of Darude's "Sandstorm"

Wave only your finest glow sticks for this classical piano cover of Darude's "Sandstorm"
Photo: Flashpop

Believe it or not, last month marked the 20th anniversary of Darude’s “Sandstorm,” that gut-stirring anthem of ‘90s club culture, and there may as well be a musicology course devoted to the track and its abundance of variations. Still the question remains: Just how much longevity can one intentionally minimalistic, unintentionally goofy track inspire?

Well, as they almost certainly say in Darude’s home country of Finland, “Toinen päivä, toinen Darude kansi.” That’s right: “Another day, another Darude cover.” Twitch star Lara6683 generally specializes in video game soundtrack covers on violin and piano, but she took a moment to improvise a dramatic, classical rendition of Darude’s magnum opus for her fans, and the results are pretty great.

Source: YouTube

Sure, it may not make you want to grab your glow sticks and fishnet arm sleeves out of the closet, but it certainly serves as a testament to a song we’re clearly not content to leave beneath the disco lights.

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