We take no pleasure in reporting that Mark Zuckerberg and Kanye West sang karaoke together

Kanye West, always one step ahead of the rest, has found an unlikely collaborator: Mark “World’s Oldest Boy” Zuckerberg. In the past, fans may have balked at his decision to work with Bon Iver or Katy Perry, but the results have been better than expected. Now, though, in a year when West has been working tirelessly to use up decades of good will, a photo of him singing karaoke with Facebook’s Supervillain-In-Chief only conjures up a feeling of dread, nausea, and an intense nostalgia for the past.

Anyway, enough preamble: here’s the picture. It fucking sucks.

As the tweet describes, the Zucker MC himself and West, joined by a guy in the corner who for one horrifying second can be mistaken for Donald Trump Jr., got together to stop being shitty about politics and instead sing the Backstreet Boys’ “I Want It That Way.”

While this scenario is, of course, better than West chumming it up with the President in his MAGA hat or Zuckerberg continuing to tinker with the world like a power-mad child tearing the legs off flies, it’s the more intimate scale of the scene that really brings it on home.

Seeing the pair sharing this moment together, the mind wanders toward all sorts of terrible possibilities. Ponder, for instance, what they talked about when the song was done. Did Zuckerberg tell West that he took solace rapping along to “Wolves” after Congress was mean to him? Did West ask the Zuck to help him “get out the vote” for his long-threatened presidential campaign?

Whatever happened, it happened. All we can do now is look to tomorrow, put this behind us, and hope for a brighter future that won’t bring a picture of, say, West and Elon Musk getting dim sum together. We swear to god, though, if Zuckerberg shows up on Yandhi, it’s time to burn everything down.

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