Webby Awards winners: Roger Ebert, Jim Carrey, and The Onion, together at last

The 14th annual Webby Awards celebrating “Internet achievement” were announced today, giving everyone who has ever participated in an argument on a comment board a much-coveted “the win.” But there were also a few people who garnered their own special, individual recognitions—such as film critic Roger Ebert, named Webby Person Of The Year for “raising the bar for online journalism” with his blog and also for being one of the most reliably prolific presences on Twitter, as any of his followers can attest. A “Best Actress” award went to Amy Poehler for her work on “Smart Girls At The Party,” while OK Go picked up “Video Artist Of The Year” for its continuing contributions to your Facebook news feed (a category that Insane Clown Posse should have totally locked down next year).

Other winners included David Lynch’s “Interview Project;” Lisa Kudrow’s recently-picked-up-by-Showtime series, “Web Therapy;” a Viral Video Of The Year award to that Muppets version of “Bohemian Rhapsody;” “Best Mash-Up Or Remix” for “Auto-Tune The News;” a “Best Individual Performance” award to Isabella Rosselini for “Green Porno;” and a “Best Celebrity Or Fan Website” award to Jim Carrey’s truly batshit homepage. The New York Times and College Humor took home the most recognitions, (five each)—although our satirical brethren at The Onion beat out the latter to nab the all-important “Best Humor” award, also narrowing out such worthy competitors as Awkward Family Photos and FAIL Blog. You can see the complete list of winners here.

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