Weekend Box Office: Rush Hour 3 belly-flops into the top spot

In an attempt to get out of the goddamn heat, Americans flocked by the hundred of thousands this weekend to sit in dark, air-conditioned rooms that just so happened to be projecting Rush Hour 3 against the far wall. The Jackie Chan/Chris Tucker vehicle kicked and whined its way into the number one spot with $50.2 million on 5,200 screen across the country. Still, the film performed underwhelmingly compared to Rush Hour 2's opening take in 2001–the opposite trajectory of this week's number two film, The Bourne Ultimatum, which is on track to eclipse its predecessors with $132.3 million pulled in over the last 10 days. Meanwhile Stardust, the big-budget adaptation ($70 million at last estimate) of Neil Gaiman's fantasy novel, failed to conjure much magic at the cash register–the film took in $9 million in its opening weekend, clocking in at number four.

More detailed numbers at Box Office Mojo.

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