Weekend Box Office: Sex friends and Oscar hopefuls

This weekend’s box-office top 10 saw Natalie Portman simulating sex with two ex-cast members of That ’70s Show: She and Ashton Kutcher’s “sex friends” romantic comedy No Strings Attached took the top spot with $20.3 million, while Black Swan marked its eighth week in the top 10 at No. 6 with $6.2 million. Not a bad way for Portman to end a week that began with her winning a Golden Globe for Swan.

With no other wide-release films opening and Oscar nominations coming this week, it was a good weekend for probable awards contenders: Along with Black Swan, holdovers The King’s Speech (No. 4, $9.1 million), True Grit (No. 5, $8 million), and The Fighter (No. 7, $4.5 million) posted small declines, and all but The Fighter were added to more theaters. Last week’s big debuts, The Green Hornet ($18.1 million) and The Dilemma ($9.7 million), both dropped a modest 45 percent or so, but still pulled in enough for the Nos. 2 and 3 spots, respectively. Holiday-season leftovers round out the final three spots: Little Fockers at No. 8 ($4.4 million), Yogi Bear at No. 9 ($4 million), and Tron Legacy at No. 10 ($3.7 million).

More detailed numbers can be found at boxofficemojo.com.

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