Weezer launches fun, Weezer-reference-filled video game

Weezer launches fun, Weezer-reference-filled video game
Screenshot: The End Of The Game Game

Having apparently gotten a taste for digital blood with their recent forays into the world of Fortnite—where, for a few precious weeks, “Weezer Island” provided a gentle respite from all the fighting and the murdering, as various teenagers hung out dancing, listening to songs off The Black Album, and asking each other what the hell a “Weezer” is—rock band Weezer has just released a new video game. Fittingly, the game is designed to promote their new song “The End Of The Game,” off the upcoming Van Weezer, complete with the song playing in the background, and the alien from the video serving as its final boss.

Created by Waking designer Jason Oda, the game is filled with nods to Weezer’s back catalog, and also a whole host of internet memes. It even promises a prize—gated by that deadliest of traps, i.e., Weezer trivia questions—which is exactly the sort of thing that those who are truly ride-or-die for Weezer are never going to want to give up. The game itself is actually surprisingly tricky, even though it gives Rivers Cuomo et al. a bunch of laser guns we don’t think they actually own in real life. A few tips: When the alien’s finger glows, get in close or you’ll be zapped. There is no Purple Album. And if things get too hard, you can always accept the band’s Faustian deal to sign up for their mailing list in order to get 5 extra lives.

Van Weezer arrives on May 15.

[via Variety]

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