Weezer now just covering older, better Weezer songs for your love and attention

With apologies to those in our audience who are eternally ride or die for Weezer, we regret to inform you that Rivers Cuomo and company’s insatiable need for attention-generating covers of beloved older tunes has now reached the auto-cannibalization phase. Giving a performance that is, by our estimation, 80 percent jacket, 10 percent bowtie, and 10 percent “Fuck it, why not, it might sell 10 more copies of the Black Album”, the band busted out its latest karaoke take on behalf of spiritual accomplice Jimmy Fallon this week: A barbershop take on their 1994 hit “Buddy Holly.”

Like most of Weezer’s recent cover output—collected in last month’s self-titled Teal Album—this new version of “Buddy Holly” manages to be more listless than bonkers, making it clear that Weezer is in on “the joke,” while still not actually making said joke very good or fun to listen to. Meanwhile, stay tuned for their next self-aware stunt, which we assume will be a Pig Latin cover of “Undone—The Sweater Song,” or maybe a take on “Island In The Sun” where all the vocals are done by the barking “Jingle Bells” dogs.

[via Vulture]

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