Welcome to the "Invisible Challenge," which involves a bunch of dogs running into plastic wrap

Welcome to the "Invisible Challenge," which involves a bunch of dogs running into plastic wrap
Photo: Arterra

The domestic dog, trained and bred over centuries to obey and assist humans, has had its loyalty betrayed. Not content to ask our canine companions only to fetch sticks, shake paws on command, or dance around on their hind legs for a treat, our wretched species is now involving our noble pets in a viral internet challenge where, pumped up with enthusiasm to play with their masters, dogs run head-first into plastic-wrapped doorways.

The “Invisible Challenge” is simple: Stretch a bunch of cellophane across an open door, get a dog hyped up enough to mindlessly chase a person, then film the resulting bewilderment of the poor, trusting creature fooled by a trick their brains were never designed to handle. Eventually, tormented long enough, some of the dogs figure out how to break through.

Though most of the videos are overlaid with horrible, effect-ruining internet “doggo” speak, it’s important to watch them anyway. We must all bear witness to the hubris of our species as it celebrates not only having tamed the majestic canine to the point they accept having to wear humiliating Halloween costumes and fucked-up people-masks, but now smash their snouts into invisible barriers.

The Challenge may look funny, but we should remember that dogs, like all animals, adapt to the trials foisted upon them by uncaring humans. It won’t be long before, having conquered the Invisible Challenge, the dogs begin to question why they’ve put up with our shit for so long and begin to rebel against the hairless apes who have betrayed their trust.

Look below. The smartest among them may already be starting to put the pieces together.

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