Well now: A man has turned his metalhead uncle's bones into a "Skelecaster" guitar

Well now: A man has turned his metalhead uncle's bones into a "Skelecaster" guitar
Screenshot: MetalSucks

We’ve seen some metal shit in our time, from Finnish heavy metal knitting competitions and German seniors escaping retirement homes so they could attend metal festivals to thrash drummer’s having COVID nightmares about blood-vomiting demons, but absolutely none of it compares to what is now undoubtedly the most metal project of all time: A guy called Prince Midnight who turned his uncle’s skeleton into a guitar.

Mr. Midnight reached out to MetalSucks with this news, detailing (and attaching pictures that document) how he constructed the “Filip Skelecaster”—a working guitar made with his “dead uncle’s rendered skeleton.” The article explains that the long path to the Skelecaster began with Midnight’s uncle Filip requesting that his skeleton be donated to a school for medical education. His wishes were followed after he died in a car accident 20 years ago, but, recently, the school “no longer had a use for” the bones and returned them to Prince Midnight’s family. As he’s from a Greek Orthodox family that “refused to cremate” Filip’s remains, Midnight was left with “a box of bones from Greece” that he “didn’t know what to do [with.]”

Rather than store or bury them, which “seemed like poor ways to memorialize someone who got me into heavy metal,” Prince Midnight decided to turn his uncle into a guitar. Apparently, it was pretty tough to pull off. He learned that “no one has ever made a guitar out of a skeleton” in his research and “started out consulting with two [guitar shop] guys” who backed out after “they got cold feet.”

Determined to craft the thing anyway, Prince Midnight pressed on, finishing his work and proud in the knowledge that “now Uncle Filip can shred for all eternity.” Aside from being a wild memorial, the Skelecaster apparently also “plays perfect and sounds awesome.”

If you’re skeptical that this a) happened or b) worked, Prince Midnight shared a video of himself playing Darkthrone on his uncle’s bones. The guitar’s shape may not be the most practical, but god damn if it doesn’t make a certain kind of statement.

For more, check out the entire article at MetalSucks and some gnarly photographs of the Skelecaster being built.

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