Wendy’s delivers an own so hard that it forces a troll to retire from Twitter

The internet is full of owns, people one-upping each other and delivering comeuppances and then signal-boosting the one-ups of others, a ceaseless volley of owns on top of owns. Nowhere is the owning harder than on Twitter, which has essentially transformed into a platform of sick owns. The default mode of Twitter is perched before the glowing monitor, waiting to own viciously and quickly. It’s great.

Even corporate brands are getting in on the game. Take, for example, Wendy’s, the hamburger-making giant best known as “the one that serves baked potatoes.” It started with a simple corporate tweet—a corny play on a time-honored slogan.

Ha ha, yeah, okay! Any of these type of scheduled, corporate tweets are bound to get some flack, which Wendy’s does. A fellow named Thuggy-D hits them with some shit talk, which is when things take off.

This is a solid own, and Twitter fucking knows it, and so the own train takes off, as Thuggy-D attempts to save face while people pile on.

Finally he just deletes his damn account, in apparent acknowledgment of his own ultimate owning. It’s hard to feel bad for someone trolling a fast food company from behind a video game avatar on Twitter, but hopefully Thuggy-D is all right, wherever they are. Wendy’s Twitter account is carrying on happily, and we can all be confident that the only thing frozen at Wendy’s corporate headquarters is its social media manager’s heart.

[via Daily Dot]

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