We're a pop culture site, so let's express how fucked everything is through some fun celebrity tweets

Like many people in America, we here at The A.V. Club were forced to perform a particularly soul-crushing chore this afternoon, walking over to the old “Days Without Feeling So Kicked In The Teeth And Left For Dead By The Inherent Powerlessness Of The Political System That We Just Want To Crawl Into A Hole And Die” board and dropping the number on it from 697 back down to 0. (Your personal tally, of course, may vary.) As a pop culture site, it’s not necessarily in our mandate to let our feelings about the Senate confirmation of a far-right accused-rapist scumbag like Brett Kavanaugh bleed out into our writing—on account of professionalism and all. But we are empowered to talk about celebrities and all the fun, sexy times they’re always having, so let’s take a minute and do a quick check in on what the beautiful people are up to this afternoon.

Oh, hey, look! They’re also deeply dispirited and pissed off about what a shitty afternoon it’s turned out to be. They really are just like us!

Of course, given how predictable today’s outcome—which saw Kavanaugh pass confirmation with a 50-48 margin—was, the despairing tweets have actually been coming all night. It really makes us think about what a wonderful tool Twitter is, to allow us to focus our attention on the fun antics of the famous, and not the way all the colors in the room seem to be constantly leeching out to form a dull, depressive, possibly Roe V. Wade-overturning gray.

Anyway, for the love of god, please listen to the nice celebrities and register to vote. We know how hopeless it feels right now—really—but if Ellen can do it, so can you.

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