Werner Herzog is on Facebook Live talking about the internet

Werner Herzog is on Facebook Live talking about the internet

If there’s an argument for the existence of Facebook Live, it’s the ability to live-chat with legendary director Werner Herzog—the man who once solemnly wondered, “Is there such a thing as insanity among penguins?” Herzog is perhaps the only person who is stranger in real life than he is when Paul F. Tompkins impersonates him. And now you’ll have the chance to watch the documentary filmmaker share his thoughts live and off the cuff via Facebook.

The chat is set to begin 7 p.m. EST, 4 p.m. PST on the Mashable Facebook page, and once it starts we’ll embed it above as well. The live stream is designed to promote Herzog’s upcoming film Lo And Behold: Reveries Of The Connected World, which “examines the past, present and constantly evolving future of the Internet.” We debuted an exclusive clip from the movie last month, and as executive producer Jim McNiel boasts, “It’s a journey even Werner, with his immense imagination and inquisitive mind, didn’t expect.”

The Lo And Behold trailer is full of classic Herzog-isms (“Have the monks stopped meditating? They all seem to be tweeting.”). Given that he’s recently expressed his fears about the potential violence of Pokémon Go and described looking into a camera as “Death staring at you,” it seems almost certain that Herzog will have similarly strong opinions to share via Facebook Live about Facebook Live.

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