Westboro Baptist Church calls Radiohead “freak monkeys with mediocre tunes,” pickets concert

Last night in Kansas City, Mo., the Topeka-based Westboro Baptist Church finally got around to picketing a Radiohead concert. Having apparently found themselves at a loss for worthwhile targets (such as tornado victims, high school graduates, and the late Whitney Houston), the WBC took action against their unlikely foe by calling the band a bunch of “freak monkeys with mediocre tunes.”

“God is undoing this nation and effecting [sic] all of your lives, with the moth that quietly eats the very fabric of your national garment. Radiohead is just such an event,” read a Westboro statement released by Radiohead producer Nigel Godrich via Twitter. “Freak monkey’s [sic] with mediocre tunes keeps you busy and focused by lightness.” Godrich, in turn, tweeted that the protest was the “highlight of the tour so far. … Hoorah!” [via Pitchfork]

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