Westboro Baptist Church casts Lady Gaga into song parody hell

Westboro Baptist Church casts Lady Gaga into song parody hell

Hey, since we’re all about song parodies and Christian protests today, why not a story that combines both? Fresh from picketing Ronnie James Dio’s funeral, the Westboro Baptist Church has turned its attention to another musician in need of reminding that they’re on a fast track to damnation, creating a new parody of Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” called “Ever Burn.” Megan Phelps-Roper, granddaughter of Church leader Fred, posted the song to her blog today; like other WBC spoofs, musically it faithfully hews to the original, but Phelps swaps in lyrics about how Gaga is a “devil spawn” whose insistence on teaching “the boys and the girls to be proud whores” will not only ensure that God no longer hears her own prayers, but will also help kill off American troops and “spread the oil faster.”

This is the second Lady Gaga parody from the Church this year, following January’s “Poker Face” send-up—which featured the way deeper burn of calling her “Lady Gay-Gay.”

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