Westeros has bottled water now, too

Westeros has bottled water now, too
Take a look right behind Sam’s left leg. Screenshot:

[Spoilers for Game Of Thrones season eight, episode six.]

Towards the end of last night’s series finale of Game of Thrones, the remaining lords of Westeros (and a few supporting characters we like) gathered to figure out who should lead their country. All that jawing surely left them parched, so thank the Seven-Faced God for the plastic bottles of water provided by the Dragonpit servers. Goof-hunting viewers spotted them almost immediately.

Yes, those are two bottles of Dothraki Springs, bottled at the source. To be fair, this is really a mistake you really have to be looking for to find. In spite of a crew’s best efforts, these things do happen sometimes in even the best of TV shows and movies—Braveheart has a car in it! Unfortunately for Game of Thrones, however, their very glaring coffee cup gaffe a couple weeks ago has viewers doing the exact type of scouring that gets even the smallest mistakes found.

For some, these beverage-related mishaps are more than just silly gaffes that get pointed out for a laugh and then digitally erased by HBO after the fact. For unhappy fans—especially those commenting online—the errant cups and bottles serve to confirm their suspicions that everyone involved in the final season was lazy and/or indifferent to the story. That’s unfair, obviously, especially considering that these culminating episodes have featured some of the show’s best visual direction in its eight-season run.

Still, there they are: the only known plastic bottles of water in the Seven Kingdoms. Long may they hydrate.

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