Wet Hot American Summer actors are also into doing another one

Ranking high among the obstacles to David Wain’s idea of doing a Wet Hot American Summer follow-up—besides the fact that Universal, who owns the property, doesn’t really want to—is the fact that much of its cast has gone on to bigger and better things since then, and getting them back together would require lots more money this time. But according to at least some of those now-expensive people, it may not be such a problem after all: Two of the biggest names on the list, Paul Rudd and Elizabeth Banks, have told EW that they would do it for “essentially nothing,” while other co-stars like Janeane Garofalo, David Hyde Pierce, and Christopher Meloni have all enthusiastically agreed as well—though none so enthusiastically as Meloni’s “Oh, fuck yeah, in a heartbeat.”

Still, that leaves two of the film’s biggest breakouts, Amy Poehler and Bradley Cooper, with the latter having the potential to bankrupt the budget all by himself these days. But even without those two officially on board, what with all this enthusiastic assenting going on, Wain and Showalter have confirmed that they are indeed really and truly thinking about writing a sequel or prequel, maybe later this year. (So add this to the pile with the Arrested Development film and the Party Down reunion, we guess.)

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