What a lovely day: Uber offers free Mad Max-style rides in Seattle

Glorious news today, if you’re someone who watched Max Rockatansky get strapped to the chassis of a nitro-boosted Hot Rod and blasted across the sandy nightmare of a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and thought to yourself, “Yes, that seems like a sensible way to get around. If only I could be transported in like manner.” Well, now that can be reality, as long as you live in the Seattle area. Complex reports that Uber is currently offering rides in cars based on those found in Mad Max: Fury Road to its customers, meaning you, too, can soon make the glorious trip to Valhalla. (Shine not included, so maybe ask any huffing enthusiasts you know if they’ve got a spare bottle of silver you could borrow.)

The deal is part of a promotion for the upcoming Mad Max video game. Between this and the “Mad Max with go-karts” short film we reported on recently, this is one seriously effective marketing campaign. It’s also not bad press for Uber, the Ayn Rand of companies, which usually gets press that is… slightly less than positive, shall we say. If you’d like to order one of these rides for yourself, you can head here and do so.

Be warned: The promotion is ending this evening, though it’s unclear whether that means just the free rides will cease, or whether the cars themselves are also going away as of tomorrow. Hopefully the former, since anyone who agreed to drive one of these things around surely wouldn’t be in any hurry to give it up. Then again, they live in Seattle (city motto: “If it exists, we can find a way to charge you too much for it”), so presumably they’ll find buyers for these cars among those eager to show up to work at Microsoft looking like a deranged sadist.

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