What Joe Simpson Will Sell You

Being a parent/manager of a child star is probably very difficult. Or at least very confusing. The lights of Hollywood can be blinding, and, I'm told, the skies there rain money (mostly gold doubloons, but occasionally silver dollars) instead of water––it's a place where you could easily find yourself torn between buckets overflowing with treasure and your parental obligation to protect and shelter your child.

Of course, if you felt little to no parental obligation to your child from the beginning, if, for instance, when she emerged from the womb you wrapped your baby in one of those sacks with a dollar sign on the front instead of a blanket, then things are considerably easier.

Take, for example, Joe Simpson, a man who sees his daughters solely as commodities to be packaged and sold to the highest bidder (Jessica costs slightly more, but he could cut you a great two for one deal.) Today,

Radar reported that Joe Simpson has become a paparazzo, taking pictures of his daughters during "private" moments, and selling them through Wireimage, thereby adding another slash to his un-official title: father/manager/pimp/icky, icky photographer.

So, just to keep up, here's a short list of things that Joe Simpson will sell you:

1. "Private" and "racy" photos of Jessica.

2. Jessica's hair.

3. Jessica's skin.

4. The first marriage of his first born child.

5. Edible lotion that smells like a supermarket bakery.

6. The bump that Ashlee's doctor shaved off of her nose. (No one's asked for it yet, but I'm sure it's just sitting in a jar of formaldehyde on his desk, waiting for a bidder.)

7. A really hot, totally fake romance with John Mayer.

7. What's left of Ashlee's vocal cords.

8. Ryan Cabrera.

Any others?

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