What the hell, it's Friday: NPR gets awkward with Sigur Ros

Every journalist has struggled through some tough, uncomfortable conversations. Not all of us put those out for public inspection, or go right ahead and dump the blame on the interview subject, but, hilariously, that's what's going on with NPR's The Bryant Park Project this week. Watch as the show's host attempts to interview Sigur Ros, only to get brief, aloof responses. The show's blog notes: "The band showed up… and commenced to give what is possibly the worst interview in the history of electronic media.We're not sure if they were tired, or if it was a language thing, or what… but wow." Folks, to be fair, it was probably the questions—it may be free publicity, but the band's not obligated to, ahem, give a good interview if you're asking them tired stuff. Either way, the dudes' faces suggest a rectal-thermometer level of discomfort. Moment of irony: Three and a half minutes into this boring exhange, the host begins a question with: "If I could ask you a question that I think you probably are tired of answering…"

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