What to watch, listen to, and read this weekend

What to watch, listen to, and read this weekend

The movie to watch

Leave No Trace

“Returning to feature filmmaking some eight years after Winter’s Bone, [Debra] Granik has made a film about the separate magnetic pulls of isolation and community. She’s also told, with a minimum of melodramatic bullshit, the tale of a father, a daughter, and the limits of the sacrifices they’ll make for each other. It’s a true story in which just about every element feels true: the relationships, the behavior, the crystal-clear vision of life on the cultural fringe of the Pacific Northwest.”
Read the rest of our review here.

The TV show to watch


“As with any great ensemble series, Pose has not only a deep roster of talent but a rich tapestry of characters with lives that overlap but also bring different things to the table, standing on their own. Sometimes ensemble series will still have a sneaky protagonist around whom everyone else orbits, but that really isn’t the case here. Even Blanca, who up to this point has received a lot of screentime, is slightly out of the spotlight in ‘The Fever.’ Events of the episode certainly touch her, and MJ Rodriguez gets in some more standout work, but ‘The Fever’ really opens up Pose’s world even more to check in with characters we haven’t gotten to know as well before, like Candy, and also show different sides of characters we do already know, like Elektra.”
Follow along with our Pose coverage here.

The podcast to listen to

Making Obama

Making Obama revisits the former president’s professional trajectory, starting with his fabled time as community organizer on Chicago’s South Side (which was not as long and laudatory as might be expected for how frequently it was a talking point) and continuing through his early forays into politics. It’s not an overtly political podcast. The issues discussed aren’t anything anyone campaigns on. Rather, they are the personal appraisals we often make of one another, sometimes justly and sometimes with prejudice.”
Read the rest of our picks for the best podcasts of the year so far here.

The comic book to read

The Man Of Steel

“Given the strength of Brian Michael Bendis’ Man Of Steel, there’s ample reason for readers to be excited about this new phase of his career. The weekly six-issue Man Of Steel miniseries has Bendis setting up his runs on Action Comics and Superman that begin next month, introducing new characters, taking familiar faces off the board, and pitting the hero against a new foe with a deep connection to his past.”
Read the rest of our review here.

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