What you're missing online

A lot of you reading this don't have access to the print editions of The Onion and The A.V. Club. In fact, if our stats are correct, most of you reading this online don't live anywhere we publish the print edition of the paper. (Hello you 300 dedicated A.V. Club readers in Sweden.) For the most part online readers get the same content as print readers, but every once in a while something falls through the cracks. This week, I just have to share the print cover of The A.V. Club, as put together by our designer Rick Martin. This week is a comics-themed issue (it will be online shortly). We interview Alan Moore, submit Brian K. Vaughan to Random Rules, and offer a report from the San Diego Comic Con. Anyway, without further ado, here's the cover. Try to get your hands on the print version (unless, of course, you live in Sweden.)

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