Where Is Gary Busey's Oscar

Where Is Gary Busey's Oscar

Remember the Seinfeld episode where George is at a kid's birthday party, someone screams "Fire!" and he knocks over a woman in a walker and several children in order to escape? Well, a reasonable facsimile of that scenario happened last night during E!'s interminable Oscars red carpet coverage. In the following video, the Oscars' red carpet is the overblown kid's birthday party, Gary Busey is the raging fire, and Jennifer Garner is the lady in the walker that Ryan Seacrest (aka George) carelessly flings in the fire's path in order to get away.

It constantly amazes me how terrible Ryan Seacrest is at his job. Yes, he sounds like the world's classiest morning radio zoo crew straight man, and, true, he does a very good impression of a living human being, but he can't interview people on a red carpet to save his life, which is basically all that is required of an E! correspondent, besides overuse of Mystic Tan. All he did last night was show celebrities dolls, repeat the fact that his tux was Dolce & Gabbana, and throw to the "Tom cam" (which was a camera on top of a guy named Tom's hat—ZING!).

Then, when a great moment like Gary Busey being insane, live, lands right in front of him, what does he do? He gets really flustered, throws Jennifer Garner into the fire, and then says to her, "Supermom." What? Interview the fire, Seacrest! It's burning a path down the red carpet, and you let it get away.

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