Which brave soul dares challenge Pearl, the watermelon guard cat?

Which brave soul dares challenge Pearl, the watermelon guard cat?
Screenshot: Rachael Ray Show

The rise of Limecat, that mid-’00s meme of a cat with a lime on its head, must’ve sent shockwaves through the feline world. The humiliation of cats had gone digital. A cat with a piece of fruit placed over its noggin like a helmet could now be spread around the globe almost instantaneously. For many years following the meme, the cats could only hope that they wouldn’t be next in line to be turned into internet jokes. For many years, they lived in fear.

Now, into this darkness, steps Pearl, a cat dead set on protecting his species from further fruit-related shaming by guarding a watermelon farm in Thailand.

Look at Pearl’s expression and understand that he means business. Though happy to cooperate with the humans who tend to him—likely because they, as far as we can tell, have never put a melon on his head like a little hat—he appears to brook no shit from anyone else.

Pearl has apparently devoted almost six years to his work, heading to his guard duties every day by riding in the back of a truck and sitting on a tiny plastic kid’s chair.

Browse through his Facebook page and Pearl’s commitment to his cause becomes clear. Each day, it seems, he wakes up, maybe looks at a photo of Limecat and a “Hang in there, baby” poster, and resumes his watch, knowing that it’s only his penetrating stare that stands in the way of more cats looking stupid on the internet.

We commend your efforts, Pearl. With those watermelons in check, nobody would dare to make fun of the noble house cat ever gain. Also, hey, look at this GIF we just found! Someone dressed a cat up like a pirate and it looks like a real jerk!

[via Bored Panda]

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