Whimsical feminist Emma Watson leaves books around the London Tube

Emma Watson has a habit of playing characters who spend a lot of their time with their noses stuffed in books. (See: Hermione, Belle.) Now, she’s making London’s public transit system her very own library. She Instagrammed herself dropping off copies of Maya Angelou’s Mom & Me & Mom—the November and December selection of Our Shared Shelf, her reading group—around the London Tube.

She tried to be sneaky about it, but that’s hard when you’re broadcasting the news to 17.1 million followers. We’re also hoping the books end up in the hands of people who actually will spend time reading them, rather than as detritus or on eBay.

Meanwhile, Entertainment Weekly has released new photos of Watson in costume as Belle in the upcoming live action Beauty And The Beast, interacting with some ornate texts. We’re not sure how many crucial feminist works the Beast has in his library, but we’re betting Watson snuck some in.

[via BuzzFeed]

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