Whitesnake introduces its own wine, disconcerting images of David Coverdale having sex in hot tub

Promising the same bittersweet taste as its heartsick ballads, self-reflective metal band Whitesnake is now bottling and selling its very own wine: In a press release, frontman David Coverdale calls the new Whitesnake Zinfadel 2010 a “bodacious, cheeky little wine, filled to the brim with the spicy essence of sexy, slippery Snakeyness,” while recommending it to anyone who wishes to engage “all grown up friskiness and hot tub jollies,” or those who want to use some cheap wine to obliterate the mental image of aging Whitesnake fans engaging in “hot tub jollies.” “Is this love?” Coverdale asked, bodaciously, cheekily echoing the refrain of one of the band’s biggest, Tawny Kitaen-fueled hits. “I believe it is.” Whitesnake Zinfadel goes on sale July 1, where it will compete with other rock-star wines such as Maynard James Keenan’s Caduceus Cellars and Kip Winger’s Bottled Salty Tears.

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