Whoa, Owen Wilson lives in a computer simulation

Whoa, Owen Wilson lives in a computer simulation
Screenshot: Amazon Prime Video

Next month, Amazon Prime will premiere Bliss, a new sci-fi flick starring Owen Wilson and Salma Hayek that looks like a cross between The Matrix and that Brett Ratner movie where Don Cheadle plays an angel.

The first feature in roughly seven years from filmmaker Mike Cahill (Another Earth), Bliss bends the mind with its tale of a struggling man (Wilson) who gets mixed up with a woman (Hayek) who believes the “ugly” world in which they live is a computer simulation. By living in such filth, she argues, we can come to better appreciate the utopian reality that exists on the other side of the veil. But while that sounds nice and all, it doesn’t negate the fact that he’s got a daughter in the simulation that he certainly doesn’t perceive as fiction.

Watch the trailer below:

It’s a neat concept from a talented filmmaker who’s got a knack for exploring the philosophical implications of alternative realities. It’s also got Hayek and Wilson, two actors we could all stand to see more of these days.

Bliss premieres on Amazon Prime on February 5.

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