Whoopi Goldberg accused of hitting a Real Housewife; unfortunately she didn't actually hit her

The View is in another brouhaha this week with Whoopi Goldberg again in the  hot seat. Just weeks after Goldberg defended Mel Gibson for spouting his boozy brand of racist epithets, it is being alleged that Whoopi gave a whipping to Real Housewives Of D.C. and one-time accused-but-not-tried White House dinner invader Michaele Salahi. Or maybe she just gently touched her arm.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the media duel kicked off with the Aug. 3 taping of The View when Salahi appeared to promote Real Housewives and, depending on who you ask, was tapped on the arm, accosted, hit, viciously beaten, or bludgeoned to death by Goldberg, who had appeared from backstage during the interview to say on air, “Excuse me, can you get back to the White House, please?” in a bid to redirect the topic of conversation to the alleged party crashing.

Lisa Bloom, Salahi’s attorney, volleyed back earlier today in response to ABC and The View with a statement to Entertainment Weekly asserting the Salahis never accused Goldberg of hitting at all. According to Bloom, Salahi was so upset with the hostile nature of the interview that after the taping she spoke to a producer while in tears, and it was this unnamed producer who suggested to Goldberg that Mrs. Salahi was alleging she was hit. Bloom’s statement goes on to accuse Goldberg of bursting into an office on the Salahis and verbally abusing Michaele Salahi with her biggest indiscretion being frequent use of the word "fuck." That woman’s poor ears.

Blocking out all the “Whaaa!” from both parties, it sounds like an unintentional game of Chinese whispers led to a backstage spat that is making headlines on homepages over more important news, like the overturning of Proposition 8 for example. Here, go read about that instead.

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