Will & Grace showrunner buys John Oliver's LGBTQ-friendly bunny book for every school in Mike Pence's home state

The saga of Marlon Bundo—John Oliver’s LGBTQ-positive parody of a children’s book by the wife and daughter of Vice President Mike Pence—continues this week, with Will & Grace showrunner Max Mutchnick pledging to push the tome’s roaring sales numbers even higher. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Mutchnick has promised to buy a copy of the book—about a cheerful boy bunny who falls in love with another boy bunny—for the library of every school in Pence’s home state of Indiana.

Written by Jill Twiss, and illustrated by EG Keller, the book has been a noted success, easily outselling Charlotte Pence’s Marlon Bundo’s: A Day In The Life Of The Vice President, which gives a rabbit’s-eye view of the vice president’s day. To Charlotte Pence’s credit, she’s been pretty good-natured about Oliver’s parody, at least, purchasing her own copy and mentioning the book on the Marlon Bundo Instagram account. That doesn’t change the policies her dad pushed during his time as governor of Indiana, though, which is what Mutchnick hoped to highlight with his purchase of 1,121 copies of the book, and the gift of them to Indiana’s schools:

Mike Pence has had an enormous platform in Indiana, and as it relates to gay people, he’s used it to spread a message of intolerance. By donating these books, I hope to counter those efforts and provide positive role models and a story of inclusion for children in Pence’s home state. If this book can help one boy or girl in Indiana love and accept who they are, I know both Marlon Bundos would be proud—even though one of them is on the downlow.”

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